Thursday, 17 October 2013

these statements are identifying that women are in some ways slaves to men, they enter a business that intends to  pleasure men and men alone. A lot of women chose to go into the businesses for fame or for money and the rare case of trying to get near the artist. Women are often used to act sexually by video directors to get more people to view or inspire to the video, they can also try and gain profiting in advertisements. Theses videos have raised a lot of eyebrow's to the older viewers; it has cause them some concern on weather the younger society will take notes and copy these explicit videos. It has also raised the thought of younger men being brain washed into thinking that it is okay to treat women as if  it is okay to touch and talked to them like they do in these video's. Women are being used like this more frequently in the music industry which is causing wrought over sexism appeals, this is not how music intended to end up like.


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Ben and adam powerpinont from BenPaterson

WWW:   People thought our presentation had good description, good detail, our points were very clear and easy to understand.

EBI: After finishing people thought that we could of been clearer and spelling could been better.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

iframe src=""; width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href=""; title="Ben and adam powerpinont " target="_blank">Ben and adam powerpinont </a> </strong> from <strong><a href=""; target="_blank">BenPaterson</a></strong> </div> 

Benjamin Paterson 

Friday, 27 September 2013

1) How to insert an image- Click on the file menu, then select open, It will then display a dialogue box, in that click browse to search for your image, after selecting it click okay, the selected image will be added to your photo shop, continue opening many files.
Select the Eraser tool 
Set the background color you want to apply if you are erasing in the background or a layer with locked transparency.
In the options bar, choose a Mode setting. Brush and Pencil set the eraser to act like those tools. Block is a hard-edged, fixed-sized square with no options for changing the opacity or flow.
For Brush and Pencil modes, choose a brush preset, and set Opacity and Flow in the options bar
An opacity of 100% erases pixels completely. A lower opacity erases pixels partially. See Paint tool options.
To erase to a saved state or snapshot of the image, click the left column of the state or snapshot in the History panel, and then select Erase To History in the options bar.
Drag through the area you want to erase.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

My image  on photo shop was an eagle to make it look like it is representing a school.
It had the ravens wood colors so it can be resembled to our school. I used a various amount of different tools on photo shop, the tools were paint brush, magic wand and the gradient tool. I proceeded with my logo by using a range of different images on the internet which I copy and pasted onto my screen; I then used the images to finalize and edit. When my work was at a conclusion it turned out to be a convincing school logo.

To improve my work I would of added more detail and used more of a range in colors.      

Sunday, 22 September 2013

I wake up with a droning ringing noise from the side of me, it is my agonizingly annoying alarm clock; I lazily fall out of bed and gradually walk down stairs. When I eventually get down stairs I make breakfast and read the morning newspaper. When I've finished breakfast I walk upstairs; I start to get dressed with loud music playing behind me to wake me up more. I'm now set for school. When  I've eventually left the house, I rush to my nearest  bus stop and just about get to the bus phew. As I'm on the bus I see a lot of advertisements on bus stops and other buses. I get home from a long day at school and conclude my day with entertaining TV.

I wake up at about 1 pm and go down stairs for breakfast. I finish breakfast and immediately go upstairs and play four hours of Fifa 13, that game never tires me. I later watch a film with the family; the film was tense and exciting but not my dads cup of tea. I am extremely tired at about midnight so I normally just listen to music till I go to sleep.